Tuesday, April 6, 2010

log splitter repair on martha's vineyard...

We just returned from Marthas Vineyard Island, Mr. Fix-it and I went over to cut up a large limb for a friend of ours that had fallen on the state road.. When we arrived we found he had paid someone to drag it to his house and cut it into manageable pieces.  So our friend took advantage of our good nature and chainsaws and asked us to cut some stuff in his yard. Before we knew it we were in the picky thicket more than ten feet tall on someone else's property!.... then trying to get us to completely cut down a 50+ foot oak that had passed many years ago...we got alot of it down, but that large of a job we weren't prepared for.....finally a break for an ice-cold beverage.
We sit down to enjoy an Easter lunch to the omment of " i wish i knew you had a tow ball on your truck, i have been trying to get the guy down the street to delivet a log splitter for several months..."... in we are sucked.....
we go down the road a mile or two , find that the log splitter is 1 7/8" ball, we only have a 2" ball....hmmmmm, no tools ....what should we do? Of course who ends up sitting on the log splitter to hold it onto too big of a ball? yes, ms.fix-it.... we are making our final descent into the driveway with alot of looks from patrons from the local mercantile, Alleys General Store, and sitting in the Grange Hall is the local police...I tucked my head down and we kept going....no blue lights.....
We pull in and when we picked it up, Alan Whiting, yes the local famous painter, said it would only run on the pencil mark on the choke lever....of course, Mr. Fix-it immediately drops the bowl to a jellied- moldy mass of gasoline. He cleans out the bowl jet with a paper clip and the bowl, returns it to place with bowl gasket, all the while I am trying to hold fuel line from pouring gas with a pair of pliers made of mostly rust.....
it starts on the first pull, before we know it our friend had plopped the first piece of wood on the splitter and asks how do you use this thing?
well, 3 plus hours later and no four wheeling on chappaquiddick and no ice cold beverages we had a nice pile of split wood for our friend to keep his house warm next winter.....
What are friends for anyway? My stepdad Ed is on the left and our friend John is on the right. I will post more on this weekends exploits tomorrow.