Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ethanol problems again.....

 problems again with leaving gas in a piece of equipment.....
this time it is a craftsman blower.....another name for equipment made by this manufacturer in this shop is "crapsman".......there is a chronic unavailability of parts and if the parts are available they are usually of low quality.....we ordered jackshafts for a craftsman riding lawnmower several years ago at 175$ apiece time two jackshafts and installed them, the customer took the machine home, driving the machine off of the trailer to start cutting his lawn they seized up....the customer brought it back to Mr. Fix-it, we dismantled it and found that there was no grease packed into either jackshaft from the factory.....they were sealed so there is no way we could have greased them if we tried........i am off on a tangent....back to the blower...............

This customer left gas in this is 2 cycle gas.....i don't think it would have mattered either way, but the carburetor was compromised, the internal parts of the carburetor were damaged, the rubber parts and any aluminum was pitted by the chemical reaction.....which means a new carburetor.

So, we have a trimmer that costs $100.00 brand new.....Mr. Fix-it has put a $40.00 carburetor on it, changed a spark plug , and a few other basic stuff and thrown an hour at it anyway. Never mind the research to get the part number for the new carb and you basically have exceeded the cost for a brand new blower......
welcome to our "throw-away society"...